Statement of Philosophy
The Victorian Registration Standards (Sch 2 Cl 16) (CECV Guidelines Ref 1.4) requires that all schools must have a clear statement of philosophy.
At Mary MacKillop Primary School we believe that the social, emotional, spiritual, moral and physical wellbeing of our students is essential to student health, safety, learning and success. We are therefore committed to:
- Offering our students the best education possible, and allowing each student to realise their full potential;
- Offering the best academic environment possible. To do this, we support each student’s learning and ensure that each student can learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, and undue distraction;
- Caring for each student’s emotional and pastoral needs. To do this, we have a pastoral care framework and provide support such as education on resilience and mental health;
- Allowing each student to achieve in areas of their own interest. To do this, we accommodate each student’s interests, allowing them to balance curricular and extra-curricular activities, and encourage them to pursue their interests;
- Fostering leadership in all of our students. To achieve this, we have programs and activities which encourage each student to lead among their peers; and
- Allowing each student to live a healthy and active lifestyle. To do this, we provide education on a healthy lifestyle, and encourage sporting and other recreational activities.
Our philosophy is enacted through our teaching and care for students. Our philosophy guides our teaching, strategic plans and governance decisions.