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Return to school – Friday 11 June
We are very much looking forward to having our students back at school tomorrow as Lockdown in metropolitan Melbourne comes to an end. Density limits will continue to be in place and therefore Assembly will be held via Google Meet live streamed to classrooms. Parents/Visitors are not allowed to attend assembly at the moment until density limits are lifted – we thank you for your understanding.
Semester One, 2021 Reports and Student Learning Portfolios
Semester One Reports and Student Learning Portfolios will be distributed to students and parents on Thursday 24 June. During this year, our school is transitioning to the SIMON Learning Management System. Therefore, your child’s report will look different to previous years. The SIMON Report will contain requirements of CECV (Catholic Education Commission Victoria) and VCAA (Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority) Reporting Guidelines. Student Attendance data in the SIMON Report is automatically populated from our Teachers’ daily recordings in the SIMON Attendance module. Your child’s Semester One report will include the following and will be accompanied by teacher feedback and samples of your child’s learning in their Student Learning Portfolio:
- Report front cover
- Report information
- Attendance summary
- SIMON Reporting legend
- Class Teacher General Comment
- Class Learning Behaviours (5 point scale)
o Class behaviour
o Participation
o Instructions followed
o Clarification sought when needed
o Completion of learning tasks
o Independence as a learner
o Organisation
o Effort
- Religious Education Learning Area overview and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- English / English an an Additional Language [EAL] Learning Area overviews and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- Mathematics Learning Area overview and achievement standards (5 point scale)
- Inquiry Learning Area overviews and achievement standards (5 point scale)
o Health and Physical Education – Personal, Social and Community Health
o Science
o Technologies – Design and Technology
- Specialist Learning Area overviews and achievement standards (5 point scale)
o Technologies – Digital Technologies
o LOTE – Japanese
o Health and Physical Education – Physical Education
o The Arts – Visual Arts
- Capabilities
During Semester One, the main focus in Mathematics teaching and learning has been in the area of Number and Algebra for our Middle and Senior students. Middle and Senior Teachers used a targeted approach to assist students to consolidate areas of Number and Algebra to build their number sense, application of mathematical concepts, processes and problem solving. Therefore Middle and Senior students Semester One report will include the area of Number and Algebra. In Semester Two, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability strands of Mathematics will also be included in your child’s report.
Your child’s Semester One Report is to be viewed in conjunction with your child’s Student Learning Portfolio. The Student Learning Portfolio includes evidence of learning with Teacher feedback as well as samples of learning your child has selected to support and promote student agency and ownership of their learning. In recognition of our partnership with you in your child’s education, we aim to provide your child’s Semester One Report and Student Learning Portfolio as a celebration of your child’s learning journey throughout the 2021 school year, including evidence of student agency, progress, strengths and areas for improvement. We hope you find the Semester One Report and Student Learning Portfolio valuable documents to highlight and celebrate your child’s learning journey.
NCCD – Nationally Consistent Collection of Data
Each year, schools complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. Students who received additional adjustments because of a disability (as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992) are counted in the data. Students with learning problems such as specific learning disability, reading disability, health problems, physical disability, vision/hearing loss and social-emotional problems are some examples of students with disability. Teachers use knowledge of the learning progressions, student progress and data, letters and/or diagnostic statements/reports from health professionals, evidence of learning adjustments/support in the classroom and/or on the playground to support whether a student is counted in NCCD. NCCD data is collected in August each year. Please find attached the NCCD Information Sheet for parents for further information.
New Vpass Sign-in is here now!
As mentioned in our newsletter prior to Lockdown4.0, we have a new simplified sign in system at the office. Basically there will be two QR codes that visitors to the school need use when entering the school - the Government QR code and the Mary MacKillop School QR code.
Please take the time to read the information below on how visitors can sign in from their smart phone. Administration staff will be happy to help you if you get stuck using it for the first time!
Road Works
From late May 2021, crews will begin installing flexible safety barriers on Narre Warren-Cranbourne Road and Narre Warren North Road, between Thompsons Road in Cranbourne and Fox Road in Narre Warren North, with works taking place Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 3pm. Works on this project are expected to be completed in 2021, weather permitting. You can find out more on the project at
Stations of the Cross Sacred Space
Many thanks to the families and staff who have contributed to the Stations of the Cross garden. Items such as plants, either home grown or purchased, pottery and a park bench have been added to the area. This opportunity will remain open to families and friends for the remainder of the term. Items can be left at the School Office. Students may like to take their families to visit the Sacred Space located behind the Middle Level building either before or after school. Once again thank you for your generosity.
Fan the Flame - Towards Plenary Assembly One October 2021
‘What can we say the kingdom of God is like?’
Mark 4:26-34
This love cannot be mere words because it is an imitation of Christ’s own love for every person, a love that forgives, transforms, and brings those who hear him into the fullness of life.
(Inclusive, Participatory and Synodal – Discernment Paper p. 6)
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Mark 4:26–34
The reign of God is like a mustard seed.
After Lent, the Easter season, and three Sundays of feast days—Pentecost, Most Holy Trinity, and Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ—the Church returns to Ordinary Time. This Sunday’s Gospel from Mark carries a significant message regarding faith and the Kingdom of God.
In this Sunday’s Liturgy in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus uses parables when talking to the people. Parables are stories about things on earth that tell us something about the things of Heaven. Parables help us understand what Jesus wants us to know. The parables we will hear now are about something very tiny—seeds. Most seeds are small, but the mustard seed is super small; it’s about the size of a teeny dot on a sheet of paper. What Jesus is saying is that although seeds are small, they can grow into something big and important. In the first parable, the seeds planted grew into a healthy crop of grain, but it took many days and nights. In the second parable, the mustard seed grew into a tree. But this, too, took time. When things take a long time to happen, we have to be patient. We have to have faith. God wants us to know that if we live as Jesus asks us to, we can look forward to happiness with God in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Parenting Insights
'Use your words Dad'
Fathers can best support their children through difficult times by listening to what they have to say. View the article below:
Attend a webinar for parents at no charge
Our school has a membership with Parenting Ideas, one of Australia’s most trusted sources of parenting education and support. As part of this membership, all the parents in this school community can attend some fantastic webinars in 2021 at no cost. We’re pleased to let you know about an upcoming webinar.
Dr Justin Coulson presents: Connecting with teenage daughters
Wednesday 23 June 2021
8:00pm - 9:00pm AEST
Bestselling author and professional speaker
Please read the attached flyer for parents:
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Information
Mary MacKillop Primary School is one of the three Parish Primary Schools belonging to the Parish of Our Lady Help of Christians, Narre Warren within the Diocese of Sale. Fr Brendan Hogan is our Parish Priest and Fr Isuru Weliwatte is our Assistant Priest. We are grateful for their ongoing prayers, involvement and support of the students, families and staff of Mary MacKillop School.
Click on the link below to download the weekly newsletter:
This week in Japanese, Grade 5 and 6 students were invited to write sentences describing instant noodle ingredients.
Grade 3 and 4 students wrote the kanji character for month or moon using different objects. Students were very creative and used objects like toys, food, lego and stationery items to write the kanji character.